1Great Blue Heron Great Blue Heron Nest. Kayaking the Fox River from Yorkville to Millington
2Colorful Tree Bright green tree on the river bank. Kayaking the Fox River from Yorkville to Millington
3Doggies Two puppy dogs along the river bank. Kayaking the Fox River from Yorkville to Millington
4Cathie Cathie. Kayaking the Fox River from Yorkville to Millington
5Power lines High voltage transmission lines. Kayaking the Fox River from Yorkville to Millington
6Cathie Cathie passing under the power transmission lines. Kayaking the Fox River from Yorkville to Millington
7John Deere Tractor John Deere tractor crossing, southbound, the Fox River Dr bridge. Kayaking the Fox River from Yorkville to Millington
8Farnsworth House Farnsworth House. Kayaking the Fox River from Yorkville to Millington
9Riffles Cathie heading into some big riffles in the water, near Milhurst. Kayaking the Fox River from Yorkville to Millington
10Milhurst Takeout Milhurst boat ramp, just north of the Whitfield Road bridge. Kayaking the Fox River from Yorkville to Millington
11Cathie Cathie. Kayaking the Fox River from Yorkville to Millington
12Duck blind Duck blind on an island near Milbrook. Kayaking the Fox River from Yorkville to Millington
13Fox Paintball Field Fox Paintball Field, just upstream from Millington. Kayaking the Fox River from Yorkville to Millington
14Water level The water level has gone down from the Spring high points. Kayaking the Fox River from Yorkville to Millington
15Cathie Cathie paddling by a house near Millington. Kayaking the Fox River from Yorkville to Millington
16Riffles Cathie entering some choppy water, just upstream from the main Millington bridge. Kayaking the Fox River from Yorkville to Millington
17Great Egret Great Egret. Kayaking the Fox River from Yorkville to Millington
18Lois Landing Takeout Cathie paddling into the Lois Landing takeout point. Hidden!! Kayaking the Fox River from Yorkville to Millington
19Cathie, Lois Landing Cathie at the Lois Landing takeout point. Very hard to find. Fast river current. Kayaking the Fox River from Yorkville to Millington
20Cathie Cathie says high from the Lois Landing takeout point in Millington. Kayaking the Fox River from Yorkville to Millington
21Lois Landing Lois Landing Gates, closed!! Kayaking the Fox River from Yorkville to Millington
22Lois Landing Lois Landing. Kayaking the Fox River from Yorkville to Millington