1Great Blue Heron Great Blue Heron. Paddeling South along the far side of Buck Key. Kayaking from Tween-waters Inn around far side of Buck Key, then back around Roosevelt Channel. South Winds, tide coming in.
2Great Blue, Little Blue Herons Great Blue, Little Blue Herons. Paddeling South along the far side of Buck Key. Kayaking from Tween-waters Inn around far side of Buck Key, then back around Roosevelt Channel. South Winds, tide coming in.
3Cormorant Cormorant. Paddeling South along the far side of Buck Key. Kayaking from Tween-waters Inn around far side of Buck Key, then back around Roosevelt Channel. South Winds, tide coming in.
4Great Egret Great Egret. Paddeling South along the far side of Buck Key. Kayaking from Tween-waters Inn around far side of Buck Key, then back around Roosevelt Channel. South Winds, tide coming in.
5Osprey Osprey. Paddeling South along the far side of Buck Key. Kayaking from Tween-waters Inn around far side of Buck Key, then back around Roosevelt Channel. South Winds, tide coming in.
6Osprey Osprey. Paddeling South along the far side of Buck Key. Kayaking from Tween-waters Inn around far side of Buck Key, then back around Roosevelt Channel. South Winds, tide coming in.
7Cathie Cathie. Paddeling South along the far side of Buck Key. Kayaking from Tween-waters Inn around far side of Buck Key, then back around Roosevelt Channel. South Winds, tide coming in.
8Great Blue Heron Great Blue Heron. Paddeling South along the far side of Buck Key. Kayaking from Tween-waters Inn around far side of Buck Key, then back around Roosevelt Channel. South Winds, tide coming in.
9Dolphin Dolphjin. Paddeling South along the far side of Buck Key. Kayaking from Tween-waters Inn around far side of Buck Key, then back around Roosevelt Channel. South Winds, tide coming in.
10Green Heron Green Heron. Paddeling North in Roosevelt Channel, the inner side of Buck Key. Kayaking from Tween-waters Inn around far side of Buck Key, then back around Roosevelt Channel. South Winds, tide coming in.
11Tween-waters Inn Tween-waters Inn. Paddeling North in Roosevelt Channel, the inner side of Buck Key. Kayaking from Tween-waters Inn around far side of Buck Key, then back around Roosevelt Channel. South Winds, tide coming in.
12Cathie Cathie. Paddeling North in Roosevelt Channel, the inner side of Buck Key. Kayaking from Tween-waters Inn around far side of Buck Key, then back around Roosevelt Channel. South Winds, tide coming in.
13 Kayaking from Tween-waters Inn around far side of Buck Key, then back around Roosevelt Channel. South Winds, tide coming in.
14 Kayaking from Tween-waters Inn around far side of Buck Key, then back around Roosevelt Channel. South Winds, tide coming in.